Whatever is True

Letting Jesus Be Your Rudder

So they cut the cables and severed the anchors and left them in the sea; at the same time unlashing the ropes that held the rudders and hoisting the foresail to the wind, they headed for the beach.  Acts 27:40 AMPC

Have you ever noticed?   When studying the above passage describing Paul’s shipwreck, or when looking at the design of Noah’s ark and its journey during the flood, and when looking at the design of the Ark of the covenant and its movements with the Israelites in tow, that none of them used a rudder (guidance system), anchoring ropes, or relied on the strength of men to move them.  Each were driven and operated by the hand of God, His Spirit.  And yet, with our mouths and the actions of our bodies, we say, for ourselves:

I will endeavor to..

I will strive to..

I will pursue…

I will set out to..

I will achieve…

I will practice…

Since our bodies are the very Temple of God, a new form of the Ark of the Covenant we should include Him in all that we do.  God the Father comes to abide in us if we abide in His love.  God the Son comes to share a meal with us and make His home in us if we make ourselves obedient to the Word of God.  God the Holy Spirit is given as a deposit to live in us when we confess Jesus as the Son of God and declare Him as Lord and Savior.

We hear a lot about the world coming together, communities uniting, walking together as one.  Unity is good, but unity only happens when we come to the realization that we are inept to do it for ourselves.  The prayers of a righteous man do availeth much.  Cry out to God to achieve that which we cannot do for ourselves.  Pray for an awakening like no other.

Telegraphs, telephones, cables, pipelines, fibreoptics, cars, mass transit, the internet, and world organizations have all seen in their invention and their establishment their part in making the world a little smaller, but corruption, ruin, decay is never far behind when God is not the operator.